Our Property Managers have vast experience in property management and have been handling large property portfolios for many years.
The firm offers management services in commercial (Office Blocks, Apartments, Shopping Complexes), Residential and Industrial Properties.
To enable us deliver high quality Property Management services, we have computerized the Property Management department. An in-house Computer Programme (P. M. Software) was developed for us and this gives very good results.
We give below the various functions that we undertake in the provision of property management services:-
1. Rent and Service Charge Collection
We collect rents and service charges falling due for payment and submit monthly statements together with the net rental proceeds by the 7th of the succeeding month, or as per agreement.
2. Preparation of Statement of Accounts
We prepare statement of account and disbursements on monthly basis indicating the rent collected and expenses incurred together with supporting Vouchers and Invoices (if any) for verification.
3. Lease Administration
We negotiate the terms and conditions of the lease. We administer the leases by ensuring that the stipulated terms and conditions outlined in the lease are fully observed during the lease period. We handle all tenant’s complaints and correspondences pertaining to their tenancies in the building.
4. Letting
We take immediate steps to let any vacant spaces and to ensure that vacating tenants comply with their obligations in respect of re-decoration and repairs.
5. Rent and Service Charge Reviews
We implement rent reviews in accordance with the letter of offer or lease documents. In cases of lease renewal, we advice on the prevailing rents and service charge.
6. Repairs and Maintenance
We negotiate and supervise on behalf of our clients maintenance contracts with reputable service Companies in respect of cleaning, maintenance of lifts, pumps, stand-by generators, fire-fighting appliances etc.
We engage with prior approval of our clients contractors of good repute to carry out repairs. We supervise the contractors and ensure use of quality materials and good workmanship.
7. Security
We negotiate security contracts with reputable security firms and forward the quotations and our recommendation for approval by our principals. We supervise the guards to ensure that the building, fixtures and equipment are safeguarded on a twenty-four hour basis.
8. Insurances
We advise our clients on the current insurance values of the buildings and further ensure that appropriate cover is taken with a reputable Insurance Company.
9. Payment of Bills and Levies
We ensure that prompt payment of utility accounts for water and electricity is made. It will also be our duty to settle Council Rates and Land Rent with the respective authorities.
9. Keeping of Records
This includes keeping a complete set of building plans where available and maintaining a set of tenancy plans properly marked as to the position of owner’s partitions on entry and subsequent alterations; keeping a set of lease counterparts; books of accounts showing all expenses incurred in maintenance and management, copies of all service contracts and an up to date schedule of tenancy.
11. Bi-annual Periodical Inspections
We conduct bi-annual periodical inspections of the buildings including fixtures, installed plant and machinery in order to advise on the state of repair and maintenance.
Commercial Properties
- UFUNDI CO-OP PLAZA Moi Avenue –14 floors office block
- RIADHA HOUSE – 2 Floors Commercial building
- FREIGHT COMPLEX – 2 Floors Commercial building
- CHARAN CENTRE – 2 Floors Commercial building
- TRAFALGAR PLAZA – 3 Floors Commercial building
- MIRAGE PLAZA – 3 Floors Commercial building
- HEIDELBERG HOUSE – 3 Floors Commercial building
- COFFEE PLAZA – 10 Floors Commercial building
- KAHAWA HOUSE- 3 Floors Commercial building
Residential Properties
- EVEREST PARK ESTATE- Residential Development of 440 Units for Everest Park Management Company Limited
- FATIMA COURT – Residential Development of 64 Flats in Hurlingham Area
- 14 Maisonettes in KILIMANI ESTATE for Africa Muslims Agency
- Block of 9 Flats in WESTLANDS and a Commercial Building in NGARA for Kathera House
- Several Maisonettes in Kilimani
- Several Blocks of Flats in NAIROBI WEST
- Several Blocks of Flats in TASSIA ESTATE
- Several Blocks of Flats UMOJA INNERCORE
- Several individual Houses, Town Houses, Maisonettes and Apartment units in the City.